MsSQL Books

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Convert string to date in mySQL 2

In my previous blog, I've show how to convert a string in database to a datetime format. That syntax is only supported in mySQL 4.0 and above. In that version, it uses this syntax:


So, for mySQL 4.0 and below, just change the syntax to:

DATE_ADD( CONCAT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`date`,'/',-1) , '-' , SUBSTRING_INDEX(substring_index(`date`,'/',2),'/',-1) , '-', SUBSTRING_INDEX(`date`,'/',1)), interval 0 day)


4.0 and above:
SELECT STR_TO_DATE(date,'%d/%m/%Y') AS myNewdate FROM myTable

below 4.0
SELECT DATE_ADD( CONCAT(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`date`,'/',-1) , '-' , SUBSTRING_INDEX(substring_index(`date`,'/',2),'/',-1) , '-', SUBSTRING_INDEX(`date`,'/',1)), interval 0 day) AS myNewdate FROM myTable

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Substring is used to retrive the portion of the data. It is very good option to use.
